Getting Started
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UTM Parameters

Getting Started

Adding UTM Parameters

How to add UTM or URL Params 

UTM or URL params can be appended to the end of any url. The diagram above outlines how to define variables and values following this pattern. In under these values will be extracted from your forms and displayed within your customer records following any patterns you choose. 

? - the “question” mark character in your url defines the starting point of the utm params 

= - the “equal” character is used to link a value to a variable name 

& - the “ampersand” character is used to define the starting point of another variable and value pair 

Viewing saved UTM params from your customer records 

Any saved UTM and URL params can be found in the data  tab of your customer record. Any params present at the time the customer was created will be shown in this section with the variable name on top and the value on the bottom. If you used the “&” pattern to add multiple UTM params all of them will be recorded and shown. 

Using UTM/URL params with copied embed code 

Customers using UTM params are responsible for adding them to their own urls. For automated use cases Under recommends using UTM params primarily with copied embed code that is altered before being rendered on your site. If using manual copy link or email patterns the parameters must be added manually. 

Embed example without UTM params

1 //copied iframe code before change 

2 <iframe  

3 style='width: 100%; height: 100vh; border: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden;'  4 src=> 

5 </iframe> 

Embed example with UTM Params 

1 //copied embed code w/ utm params 

2 <iframe  

3 style='width: 100%; height: 100vh; border: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden;'  4 src=> 5 </iframe> 

Copied url example without UTM params 


Copied url example with UTM params 


In the above examples we can see that ?partnerId=143827&partnerName=scott was added at the end of the src urls. This addition will save two variable and value pairs to the customer (image below). 

Outbound UTM Params w/ Under 

When a redirect url is configured for an application, under will now automatically append any UTM params in the current url as well as a new attribute “underCustomerId” to the redirect url. See below for example outcomes: 

Redirect to “” with no starting UTM params 

1${applicationId} -> Redirects to ->${customerId} 

Redirect to “” with starting UTM params 

1${applicationId}?param1=1&param2=2 -> Redirects to ->

Customer ID passed in query string parameters

In the above examples the new  underCustomerId " attribute contains the unique customer id under creates when a form is opened. Going forward the under customer id will always be appended to whatever redirect url was configured. 

Additionally in pattern 2 we see that this customer id will be passed along with any UTM params your system injects to the original application url. This feature can be used to correlate our customer id to your system’s data as needed. 

Passing UTM Parameters

Passing UTM Parameters in the Redirect Link