KYC Tools



Under utilizes the Google Maps API for geolocation services. When the user allows location services within their browser, Under will return the address, city, state, and zip code. You will also have the ability to utilize Google's street view option.

Phone - Twilio

Phone Authentication

Under currently utilizes the Lookup v2 API from Twilio.


The Lookup v2 API allows you to query information on a phone number so that you can make a trusted interaction with your user. With this endpoint, you can format and validate phone numbers to get even more in-depth carrier and caller information. Twilio sends a 6 digit code to the mobile phone number provided to verify the user. Currently, Under only supports mobile phone numbers for MFA.

Identity Match

Identity Match verifies who owns a mobile phone number by checking if the name, address, and date of birth provided match the information associated with that number from reliable sources like telecommunications companies. The Identity Match API then shows the match results for each piece of data, giving customers a detailed look at how closely the user's identity aligns with the information stored by the authoritative source.

Phone and Address

Underwriting KYC Phone and Address

Phone and Address

Under utilizes Ekata, owned by Mastercard, to verify phone numbers and personal addresses. Under utilizes Idology to verify email addresses as well as providing a cross-references for phone and address verification. 

Phone Responses

  • Carrier Information
    • Identify the company that provides voice or data services for a given phone number.
  • Phone Validity Check
    • Phone numbers are determined to be real or not real, with a valid area code.
  • Country Details
    • Access the country calling code, country code, and country name associated with the phone number.
  • Prepaid Account Check
    • Indicate whether the phone number is associated with a prepaid account.
  • Velocity
    • How often a number has been observed in Ekata’s Identity Network—a network consisting of over 200 million monthly, anonymized real-world queries—over the past 90 days.
  • Popularity
    • How many merchants have transacted with this phone number in the past 90 days.

Address Responses

  • Network Signals
    • Five signals derived from the Ekata Identity Network that provide insight into how a provided address is being used online (e.g. how often it is used, the number of businesses it has been used at, how often it has been used with other identity elements, and the first and last time the address was used.)
  • Geocoordinates
    • Latitude and longitude data points for calculating distances from other reference points.
  • Normalized Addresses
    • Consistently formatted addresses for your models and rules-based systems.
  • Unique Identifier
    • Unique identifier (UUID) that can be used to perform velocity calculations.



Under utilizes Idology to verify email addresses as well as providing a cross-references for phone and address verification. 

Global email verification

  • Analyze multiple email attributes, including domain, syntax, age of the account and originating country, for deeper insights into a user.

Credit Risk Assessment

Underwriting KYC Credit Risk Assessment

Credit Risk Assessment and Management

Under utilizes ID Analytics, owned by Lexisnexis, to assess credit risk

ID Analytics ID Score

Range: 0 - 1000

  • 0 - 500: green, low fraud risk
  • 500 - 700: light to bright yellow, not worth decisioning on - a signal but not enough in and of itself, low-medium fraud risk
  • 700 - 850: orange, highly questionable - medium-high fraud risk
  • 850 and above: red, high fraud risk
  • 950 and above: bright red, very high fraud risk

Returned Reason Codes

The Returned Reason Codes table displays the reason codes returned whether or not they were used in decisioning. Here is a link to a list of reason codes.

Credit Risk Assessment Reason Codes

Underwriting KYC Credit Risk Assessment Reason Codes

ID Analytics Reason Codes


    code: '153',

    message: 'Address match to list of business or commercial addresses',



    code: '157',

    message: 'Address match to list of prison addresses',



    code: '163',

    message: 'Address match to list of Post Office or private Mail box facility',



    code: '498',

    message: 'Address associated with confirmed fraud',



    code: '520',

    message: 'Address associated with suspected or confirmed fraud',



    code: '010',

    message: 'Fictitious Name or Address',



    code: '018',

    message: 'Consumers asserted age less than 18',



    code: '088',

    message: 'Suspected frivolous input',



    code: '166',

    message: 'Address is a campground or trailer park',



    code: '180',

    message: 'EVENT - Application received through known risky channel',



    code: '230',

    message: 'SSN likely invalid',



    code: '232',

    message: 'SSN Reported as Deceased',



    code: '233',

    message: 'SSN likely issued before DOB',



    code: '238',

    message: 'SSN associated with risk',



    code: '248',

    message: 'SSN, Name and DOB reported as Deceased',



    code: '321',

    message: 'EVENT - Home phone number invalid or missing',



    code: '483',

    message: 'Distance between address and area code of phone number',



    code: '499',

    message: 'Unusual number of SSNs associated with this identity',



    code: '500',

    message: 'SSN associated with suspected or confirmed fraud',



    code: '504',

    message: 'SSN linked to unusual number of home phone numbers',



    code: '506',

    message: 'High number of historic applications using SSN',



    code: '507',

    message: 'High number of recent applications using SSN',



    code: '510',

    message: 'NETWORK - Unable to confirm SSN in association with other identity elements',



    code: '514',

    message: 'SSN linked to unusual number of dates of birth',



    code: '524',

    message: 'Address type is generally associated with high risk',



    code: '539',

    message: 'Historic usage patterns of address are generally associated with high risk',



    code: '554',

    message: 'Unable to confirm name in association with other identity elements',



    code: '564',

    message: 'Phone number type is generally associated with high risk',



    code: '567',

    message: 'High number of historic applications using home phone number',



    code: '568',

    message: 'High number of recent applications using home phone number',



    code: '569',

    message: 'Unable to confirm home phone number in association with other identity elements',



    code: '572',

    message: 'Phone number associated with suspected or confirmed fraud',



    code: '573',

    message: 'Phone number likely fictitious',



    code: '574',

    message: 'Unusual number of phone numbers linked to this identity',



    code: '576',

    message: 'Phone type generally associated with risk',



    code: '580',

    message: 'Combination of elements of the email address generally associated with high risk',



    code: '589',

    message: 'Address match to USPIS Hot Address List',



    code: '591',

    message: 'Historic usage patterns of identity elements are generally associated with high risk',



    code: '592',

    message: 'Recent applications from this identity',



    code: '593',

    message: 'Recent applications with inconsistent identity elements',



    code: '594',

    message: 'Historic applications with inconsistent identity elements',



    code: '595',

    message: 'Recent usage patterns of identity elements associated with risk',



    code: '596',

    message: 'High number of recent applications with inconsistent identity elements',



    code: '597',

    message: 'High number of historic applications with inconsistent identity elements',



    code: '600',

    message: 'Phone number associated with confirmed fraud',



    code: '612',

    message: 'High volume of historic applications for this identity',



    code: '613',

    message: 'High volume of recent applications for this identity',



    code: '614',

    message: 'SSN associated with confirmed fraud',



    code: '616',

    message: 'Recent applications using this phone number',



    code: '626',

    message: 'IP address mismatch with phone number',



    code: '627',

    message: 'IP address mismatch with zip code',



    code: '628',

    message: 'Internet connection characteristics generally associated with high risk',



    code: '636',

    message: 'Recent applications from this address',



    code: '637',

    message: 'Unable to confirm DOB in association with other identity elements',



    code: '639',

    message: 'Unable to confirm address in association with other identity elements',



    code: '641',

    message: 'Unusual number of emails linked to this identity',



    code: '645',

    message: 'Missing email',



    code: '646',

    message: 'Historic usage patterns of phone associated with risk',



    code: '657',

    message: 'Unusual number of addresses linked to this identity',



    code: '658',

    message: 'Unusual number of dates of birth associated with this identity',



    code: '675',

    message: 'Email type generally associated with high risk',



    code: '700',

    message: 'Name/DOB match with OFAC List',



    code: '701',

    message: 'Possible name match with OFAC List',



    code: '721',

    message: 'Insufficient history',



    code: '733',

    message: 'Distance between historical addresses',



    code: '867',

    message: 'High risk patterns associated with address history',



    code: '907',

    message: 'Strong match of identity elements across multiple data sources',



    code: '908',

    message: 'Identity elements matched across multiple data sources',



    code: '909',

    message: 'SSN generally associated with low risk',



    code: '925',

    message: 'Address type is generally associated with low risk',



    code: '934',

    message: 'Low risk patterns associated with address history',



    code: '946',

    message: 'Email type generally associated with low risk',



    code: '953',

    message: 'Internet connection characteristics generally associated with low risk',



    code: '960',

    message: 'Historic usage patterns of home phone number are generally associated with low risk',



    code: '962',


      'Combination of home phone number with other identity elements is generally associated with low risk',



    code: '963',

    message: 'Phone type generally associated with low risk',



    code: '967',


      'Distance between address and area code of secondary phone number generally associated with low risk',



    code: '992',

    message: 'Historic usage patterns of identity elements are generally associated with low risk',



    code: '994',

    message: 'Consistent historical assertion of identity elements',


  // IDology ExpectID Codes


    code: 'ADDR',


      'A Velocity alert was triggered on Located Street Address per the Enterprise configuration.',



    code: 'ADDR4',


      'A Velocity alert was triggered on Located Street Address w/SSN4 per the Enterprise configuration.',



    code: 'EMAIL',


      'A Velocity alert was triggered on Input Email Address per the Enterprise configuration.',



    code: 'IADDR',


      'A Velocity alert was triggered on Input Street Address per the Enterprise configuration.',



    code: 'IADDR4',


      'A Velocity alert was triggered on Input street address w/ SSN4 per the Enterprise configuration.',



    code: 'IALTADDR',


      'A Velocity alert was triggered on the Alternate Street Address per the Enterprise configuration.',



    code: 'IDOC',


      'A Velocity alert was triggered on the Input Document Number per the Enterprise configuration.',



    code: 'IIPADDR',

    message: 'A Velocity alert was triggered in Input IP Address per the Enterprise configuration.',



    code: 'ILNAME4',


      'A Velocity alert was triggered on Input Last Name and SSN4 per the Enterprise configuration.',



    code: 'INAME',


      'A Velocity alert was triggered on Input Last Name and Street Address per the Enterprise configuration.',



    code: 'INAME2',


      'A Velocity alert was triggered on Input First Name and Last Name per the Enterprise configuration.',



    code: 'INAME4',


      'A Velocity alert was triggered on Input Last Name and Street Address w/ SSN4 per the Enterprise configuration.',



    code: 'IPHONE',


      'A Velocity alert was triggered on Input Phone Number per the Enterprise configuration.',



    code: 'ISSN9',

    message: 'A Velocity alert was triggered on Input SSN9 per the Enterprise configuration.',



    code: 'ISTRNZIP',


      'A Velocity alert was triggered on Input Street Name and ZIP Code per the Enterprise configuration.',



    code: 'LDOC',


      'A Velocity alert was triggered on the Located Document Number per the Enterprise configuration.',



    code: 'LNAME4',


      'Velocity alert was triggered on Located Last Name and SSN4 per the Enterprise configuration.',



    code: 'NAME',


      'A Velocity alert was triggered on Located Last Name and Street Address per the Enterprise configuration.',



    code: 'NAME2',


      'Velocity alert was triggered on Located First Name and Last Name per the Enterprise configuration.',



    code: 'NAME4',


      'A Velocity alert was triggered on Located Last Name and Street Address w/ SSN4 per the Enterprise configuration.',



    code: 'PHONE',


      'A Velocity alert was triggered on Located Phone Number per the Enterprise configuration.',



    code: 'SSN9',

    message: 'A Velocity alert was triggered on Located SSN9 per the Enterprise configuration.',



    code: 'STRNZIP',


      'A Velocity alert was triggered on Located Street Name and ZIP Code per the Enterprise configuration.',



    code: '',


      'This indicates that the provided Purchase Date of the card is a particular set of days after the Activation Date.',



    code: 'resultcode.address.does.not.match',


      'Address found does not match address submitted. This can be due to a typo in the input information, typos or errors in the address located, or the address is actually incorrect, but the subject’s credentials are located in or near the target ZIP code, city, or metropolitan area.',



    code: 'resultcode.address.location.alert',


      'A location-based alert that advises when the located ZIP Code exceeds the Enterprise’s Permitted Distance Radius rule.',



    code: 'resultcode.address.longevity.alert',

    message: 'Specifies how long someone has lived at their current address.',



    code: 'resultcode.address.stability.alert',

    message: 'Indicates how often someone moves based on specific timeframe triggers',



    code: 'resultcode.address.velocity.alert',

    message: 'Warns of the number of addresses someone has had within a defined time period.',



    code: 'resultcode.age.above.maximum',

    message: 'Indicates that the subject’s age is above the maximum age allowed by the Enterprise.',



    code: 'resultcode.age.below.minimum',

    message: 'Indicates that the subject’s age is below the minimum age allowed by the Enterprise.',



    code: 'resultcode.alternate.address.alert',


      'Indicates that the Alternate Address could not be verified for the customer. The Alert will be clarified further as to which type with the value of the <alternate-address-type> value. Those are: • Street Number • Street Name • State • ZIP Code</alternate-address-type>',



    code: 'resultcode.bankruptcy',


      'This indicates that the subject of the search has a ch...

Credit Score And Report

Credit pulls within helps users quickly verify leads or fully underwrite your customers within our platform. The main benefit of verifying your leads is time. Your sales team swiftly knows which leads to focus on, your onboarding team doesn't waste time with the wrong application packages, and underwriters can easily weed out fraud to review more customers in a single day. We've broken down 4 major tools you have access to in this article.

Credit Checks integrates with iSoftPull to give you the ability to run soft or hard credit checks on your customers.

It is important to note that you must have your own account with iSoftPull to be able to present the data in our platform. If you would like assistance in getting set up with them, please create a ticket in your account and our team will be in touch.

UI of where you can view your customers credit report in

Login to iSoftPull directly from the platform

Hardware And Device Verification

Underwriting KYC Hardware And Device Verification

Hardware and Device Data Verification

Under utilizes Iovation, owned by Transunion, for device verification.

Iovation identifies trustworthy customers through a combination of advanced device identification, shared device reputation, device-based authentication, and real-time risk evaluation.

Bank - Plaid

Bank and Transaction Verification

Bank Verification

Under utilizes Plaid to allow users to connect their bank account. We currently utilize the Auth, Database Insights, Balance, and Transactions tools from Plaid. 


Auth allows you to request a user's checking or savings account information, making it easy for you to initiate credits or debits. For example, your app might allow users to accumulate a credit balance that they can cash out to a bank account, or it might allow users to pay you using their bank account information. With Auth, a user can provide this information in a frictionless way, simply by authenticating into their bank account.

Note that Auth can only be used with checking or savings accounts. Auth cannot be used with other depository accounts, such as money market accounts. Credit-type accounts, including credit cards, cannot receive payments directly via electronic interbank transfers, and Auth data cannot be used to set up credit card payments.

Database Insights

Database Insights (beta) can increase conversion by providing instant account verification without requiring users to link a bank account via credentials. End users choosing the manual Database Insights path will not be required to log in to their financial institution and instead can enter their account and routing number manually.

Database Insights verifies account and routing numbers by checking the information provided against Plaid's known account numbers, leveraging Plaid's database of over 200 million verified accounts. If no match is found, Plaid will check the account number format against known usages by the institution associated with the given routing number. Database Insights will provide a verification status of 'pass', 'pass with caution', or 'fail' and a set of attributes that contributed to that status, such as whether a match was found or whether Plaid fell back to checking account number formats.

Database Insights does not verify that the user has access to the bank account,


Balance is Plaid's product for receiving real-time Balance information via /accounts/balance/get. This real-time Balance data can be helpful when checking to see if an account has sufficient funds before using it as a funding source for a money transfer. Balance is available for use exclusively in combination with other Plaid products, such as Auth for money movement or account funding use cases or Transactions for personal finance use cases.


Transactions data available via /transactions/sync includes transaction date, amount, category, merchant, location, and more. Transaction data is lightly cleaned to populate the name field, and more thoroughly processed to populate the merchant_name field