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Sales Verifications Tools

GeoLocation Services

Sales Verification Tools helps users quickly verify leads or fully underwrite your customers within our platform. The main benefit of verifying your leads is time. Your sales team swiftly knows which leads to focus on, your onboarding team doesn't waste time with the wrong application packages, and underwriters can easily weed out fraud to review more customers in a single day. We've broken down 4 major tools you have access to in this article.

Location Verification

Under utilizes the Google Maps API for geolocation services. When the user allows location services within their browser, Under will return the latitude and longitude of the user’s location. If the user does not allow location services on their browser, this feature will not be available. Due to privacy laws, we can not require the use of location services on behalf of the user.


You can utilize the Google Maps integration by hitting the “+ Create” button and scrolling to the bottom of the left-hand sidebar. At the bottom you will see the Google Maps icon. By dragging this icon to the top left-hand corner of the Form you have turned on this geolocation service. When you customer allows the browser to track them you will see the map of their location within the customer record.

Customer Record

You can view the location of the customer’s IP Address during the application by navigating to the Customer Record > Integrations > Google Maps. There will be a pin in the map showing you the location. You can zoom in and out as well as drop the person icon on the map to see the street view.

Phone Verification

Sales Verification Tools helps users quickly verify leads or fully underwrite your customers within our platform. The main benefit of verifying your leads is time. Your sales team swiftly knows which leads to focus on, your onboarding team doesn't waste time with the wrong application packages, and underwriters can easily weed out fraud to review more customers in a single day. We've broken down 4 major tools you have access to in this article.

Phone Verification

Twilio - Lookup v2 and Auth are triggered automatically when the Twilio phone field is inserted into an end-user form. This is triggered when the end-user enters their phone number and hits next. Once they enter the 6 digit multi-factor authentication code the Lookup and Auth products send and receive data. Identity is triggered after the end-user submits their application OR the Under user manually presses the button to run Identity cross-referencing the end-user data. 

Required Fields for Lookup

  • Personal Phone Number

Required Fields for Identity

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Address
  • Business Phone

Auth Requires the user to verify their phone number during the application process

Visual of where you can see the results of MFA and Phone validation in


  • If UC has Twilio on the first card, we will automatically run Twilio Auth
  • After an EU Submits we will automatically run Verify to cross-reference
    • Name
    • Address
    • Date of Birth
  • If EU doesn’t submit but we have the information some text
    • UC can hit Verify to cross-reference 
  • UC will have an option to run Lookup on other phone numbers
    • Business
    • Customer Service


Sales Verification Tools helps users quickly verify leads or fully underwrite your customers within our platform. The main benefit of verifying your leads is time. Your sales team swiftly knows which leads to focus on, your onboarding team doesn't waste time with the wrong application packages, and underwriters can easily weed out fraud to review more customers in a single day. We've broken down 4 major tools you have access to in this article.

    Bank Verification

    Under utilizes Plaid to allow users to connect their bank account. We currently utilize the Auth, Database Insights, Balance, and Transactions tools from Plaid. 


    Auth allows you to request a user's checking or savings account information, making it easy for you to initiate credits or debits. For example, your app might allow users to accumulate a credit balance that they can cash out to a bank account, or it might allow users to pay you using their bank account information. With Auth, a user can provide this information in a frictionless way, simply by authenticating into their bank account.

    Note that Auth can only be used with checking or savings accounts. Auth cannot be used with other depository accounts, such as money market accounts. Credit-type accounts, including credit cards, cannot receive payments directly via electronic interbank transfers, and Auth data cannot be used to set up credit card payments.

    Database Insights

    Database Insights (beta) can increase conversion by providing instant account verification without requiring users to link a bank account via credentials. End users choosing the manual Database Insights path will not be required to log in to their financial institution and instead can enter their account and routing number manually.

    Database Insights verifies account and routing numbers by checking the information provided against Plaid's known account numbers, leveraging Plaid's database of over 200 million verified accounts. If no match is found, Plaid will check the account number format against known usages by the institution associated with the given routing number. Database Insights will provide a verification status of 'pass', 'pass with caution', or 'fail' and a set of attributes that contributed to that status, such as whether a match was found or whether Plaid fell back to checking account number formats.

    Database Insights does not verify that the user has access to the bank account,


    Balance is Plaid's product for receiving real-time Balance information via /accounts/balance/get. This real-time Balance data can be helpful when checking to see if an account has sufficient funds before using it as a funding source for a money transfer. Balance is available for use exclusively in combination with other Plaid products, such as Auth for money movement or account funding use cases or Transactions for personal finance use cases.


    Transactions data available via /transactions/sync includes transaction date, amount, category, merchant, location, and more. Transaction data is lightly cleaned to populate the name field, and more thoroughly processed to populate the merchant_name field


    Credit pulls within helps users quickly verify leads or fully underwrite your customers within our platform. The main benefit of verifying your leads is time. Your sales team swiftly knows which leads to focus on, your onboarding team doesn't waste time with the wrong application packages, and underwriters can easily weed out fraud to review more customers in a single day. We've broken down 4 major tools you have access to in this article.

    Credit Checks integrates with iSoftPull to give you the ability to run soft or hard credit checks on your customers.

    It is important to note that you must have your own account with iSoftPull to be able to present the data in our platform. If you would like assistance in getting set up with them, please create a ticket in your account and our team will be in touch.

    Visual of where you can view your customers credit report in

    Login to iSoftPull directly from the platform