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User Invite

Learn how to invite another company users to your account.

You can invite users by hitting the “+User” icon in the bottom of the left-hand Navigation Bar. 

You will

  • Enter the user’s email address
  • Choose a role
  • Hit the “+” icon if you would like to add multiple users at the same time
  • Hit Invite in the bottom right-hand corner

Resend Invite

Learn how to resend an invite in


You can view the status of the users you invite in the column labeled Status. There are two statuses

  • Invite Sent
  • Active

User Status

Learn where to see the status of a user in


You can view the status of the users you invite in the column labeled Status. There are two statuses

  • Invite Sent
  • Active

User Archive

Learn how to archive users in

Archive User

You can Archive the user by hitting the “-User” icon on the right-hand side. This will permanently delete the user but it will not delete their Customers and Templates.

Archive User button in the UI

User Role

Learn how to modify user roles in


You can update someone’s role by using the dropdown in the Role Column. There are 4 roles; Limited, Standard, Admin, and Master Admin. We dive deeper into each role in the Permissions section.

User Role in the UI

Email Notifications

If a user has this toggled on, they will receive an email notification for all applications completed

Email Notifications

If a user has this toggled on, they will receive an email notification for all applications completed.