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Forms Copy

Get started by duplicating a template from the Marketplace or start from scratch by hitting the + icon in your purple left-hand Navigation Bar.

Sharing and Embedding Templates

The Share icon in the top right corner allows you to share the link directly with customers or utilize the embed link to add this directly to your website.

Every user in the organization will have their user id in the link when they copy/paste. This will make it easy to correlate new customers to their creators.

Dictionary Fields

Under has created dozens of fields for you to use out of the box.

Standard examples would be: First Name, Last Name, Legal Name, DBA, Tax ID, Routing, and Account Number.

More unique examples would be: Industry dropdown with all MCC codes, AutoComplete Address fields for Business and Legal, and an Additional Owner field that is used for Multiple Signers

This section can be expanded or contracted using the carrot icon on the right-hand side.

Custom Fields

This section is below the Under Dictionary Fields. These are fields you will create and store for use on future templates

This feature is currently in beta and will be rolling out soon.

This section can be expanded or contracted using the carrot icon on the right-hand side.

Adding Fields

  • You can click and drag fields onto the form
  • Add a new section by dragging field in-between other sections
  • Add a row by dragging field onto an existing section
  • Add a column by placing the field next to an existing field within a row
Fields that are present on the form will have a green cap. Fields that are not present on the form will have a gray cap.

Left-hand Sidebar for individual fields and sections

The left-hand sidebar for each individual field and section has tremendous capability, please study carefully

Field Type

In Purple at top right corner


  • Category
    • This correlates the section within the customer record
  • Labels
    • This is what the end user will see when being prompted to provide a value
  • Placeholder
    • This is the text seen in the box before the user clicks into the field
  • Description
    • This show up beneath the box in light gray text. This is similar to an info or help bar
  • Default Value
    • This is available for most field types if you woud like to provide a value for this field
  • Required/Hidden
  • Formatting
    • Numbers will allow Minimum and Maximum 
    • Numbers will allow for quantifying the number by choosing Currency or Percentage
    • Text fields will allow for masks like SSN, EIN, Routing Number, Zip Code, or a Custom Mask

Conditional Logic by Field

  • Left = the field to base the conditional logic off of.
  • The Left Field will always need to come before the field inheriting the logic
  • Operator = logical options to test values true or false nature
  • Right = value from the left field chosen above
  • Action = Show or Hide
    • The bottom 3 rows will be locked until you choose the (first) left value
An Example of Conditional Logic by Field would be showing/hiding the credit card processing fields based on whether or not the end-user is currently processing credit cards.

Conditional Logic for Supporting Documents

After dragging a supporting document field type into the supporting document you can establish conditional logic for that supporting document.

Conditional Logic by Section

If you click on a section you can add conditional logic to show/hide the full section based on values from previous questions

An Example of Conditional Logic by Section would be showing or hiding the Additional Owner section based off the previous question asking if the business has any additional owners with 25% or more ownership.

+ Create

Clicking the + Create in the top right allows you to create new fields from scratch


The Elements Section on the left-hand sidebar include Header & Paragraph fields. These fields normally go at the top of sections. You will have the option to edit the size and style of the text in these elements.

Field Types

When creating new fields to add to your Form, there are 17 unique field types.

Standard Fields

  1. Text
    • This field allows a user an end user to enter any text
    • Letters, numbers, and special characters are allowed
    • Maximum characters = ?
    • Examples would be First Name, Address Line 2, or Return Policy
  2. Textarea
    • This field allows a user to enter a longer text string
    • Letters, numbers, and special characters are allowed
    • Maximum characters = ?
    • An example would be a description of the product or service being sold
  3. Email
  4. Website
    • This field allows an end user to enter a website address
    • Website format is required here
    • Examples and acceptable values would be or
  5. Number
    • This field allows and end user to enter a number field
    • Only numbers (0-9) are allowed in this field
    • An example would be asking how many locations the merchant owns
  6. Phone
    • This field allows an end user to enter a phone number
    • Under provides the country code through a dropdown box
    • The formatting is dictated by the country code chosen
    • An example of the United States phone format would be +1 (800) 123-4567
  7. Date
    • This field allows a user to enter a date from a picklist style menu
    • The user cannot enter a date manually while using this specific type of field
    • Date formatting = DD/MM/YYYY
    • You can format dates to include future dates 
    • By default future dates are not allowed

Unique Fields

  1. Address
    • The Address Field utilizes the Google Maps API to Auto Populate the user's address. Google returns Address Line 1, City, State, and Zip Code. So you will need to create these additional fields below Address Line 1 to inherit the City, State, and Zip Code values.
When you drag out the Address component you will need to create additional fields for City, State and Zip Code. You can then connect the City, State, Zip to the newly created fields. Screenshot below
  • City would be a text field
  • State would be a Select field
    • Use the `Bulk Import` option to bring in States so you don’t have to manually create these
  • Zip Code would be a text field if you would like to use the Zip Code Mask
    • You have the option to use a mask for this field which would be Zip Code or Zip Code + 4 digits
    • You can use a Number Field for the Zip code but you will not be able to utilize the Zip Code Mask
  • Address line 2 is would be a text field and this is optional

  1. Select
    • The select field acts like a dropdown and only allows the user to choose one option
    • Example would be a True or False
    • You can turn on the ability to show a search bar. This allows a user to search for their option instead of scrolling through the complete list.
    • You have the `Bulk Import` option for this field
      • Options include: Months, States, Company Structure, MCC Codes, and NAICS Codes
  1. Radio
    • The radio field groups options together and only allows the user to choose one option
    • Example would be a True or False
    • You can choose to show this as a circle or a block
    • You can choose 1, 2, or 3 columns
    • You have the `Bulk Import` option for this field
      • Options include: Months, States, Company Structure, MCC Codes, and NAICS Codes
  2. Checkboxes
    • The checkboxes field acts like a MultiSelct and allows the user to choose multiple options
    • Example would be `Which State/s do you operate out of?`
    • You can choose to show this as a circle or a block
    • You can choose 1, 2, or 3 columns
    • You have the `Bulk Import` option for this field
      • Options Include: Months, States, Company Structure, MCC Codes, and NAICS Codes
  3. Switch
    • Switch acts like a True/False field without needing to add two options
    • You can choose a default value for this field
  4. Repeater and Additional Signers
    • These two fields allow for you to repeat sections of questions without being visible to the end user unless there is a need
    • Examples would be for multiple owners or multiple locations
    • You can use these fields to create a section of questions like legal name, address, ownership percentage, etc. 
    • The additional sections will only appear if the end user signals there are more owners or more locations. They will stay hidden otherwise
    • You have the ability to choose a maximum number of additional sections
    • You choose the question to prompt the user to continue adding sections or stop at the bottom of the card
    • Additional Signers is the same as the Repeater Field but it is built to send signatures based on the email field
  5. Slider
    • This field allows a user to enter a number field by using a sliding tool as opposed to entering a value
    • There are Minimum and Maximum values defaulted to 0 and 100 respectively
  6. Adds to Total
    • This field allows a user to aggregate multiple fields to add up to a certain value
    • Example would be `What percentage of your transactions are B2B or B2C?` or `What percentage of your transactions are in person, online, or over the phone?`
    • The default Sum is 100
    • You can edit the desired sum
  7. Merge
    • This field allows for values to pre-populate future fields
    • Example would be `Is your billing address the same as your shipping address?` or `Is your deposit account the same as your withdrawal account?`
    • You will manually choose the value from Field A to be correlated to Field B using a dropdown menu on the left-hand sidebar
Example of the Merge field merging Business Address field values to Legal Address field values

Supporting Documents

There is a specific section at the bottom of the form built to store the supporting documents. Similar to fields there will be Settings, Conditional Logic, and Required options

You will click and drag the supporting document component from the left-hand sidebar into the supporting document section

Bulk Import for Supporting Documents

The Bulk Import option for Supporting Documents at the bottom right of the Supporting Document section

Form Integrations

Google Maps API

You can click and drag the Google Maps icon the top left corner of the form by the wand icon to gain access to a user's location while filling out the application

Twilio Multi-Factor Authentication

  • Twilio is on by default on the first card
  • This allows you to verify the user with their mobile phone number
  • Currently Under only accepts US-based mobile phone numbers
    • No Voice Over Internet Protocol numbers
    • No landlines

Plaid Bank Verification

You can click and drag the Plaid icon onto the form wherever you would like the Plaid integration on the Form

You will need to connect the Routing and Account Number returned by Plaid to the correct Routing and Account Number fields on the form
Utilizing Conditional Logic by Section, you can hide the Bank Information card based on Conditional Logic from the Plaid connection

Undo/Redo & Bell Icons

This Undo/Redo allows you to Undo or Redo a previous action

The Bell Icon shows you errors, warnings, and activity on the Form. If you see red notifications, you will want to fix these before saving

Field Search Bar

The search bar allows you to search for specific fields on the left-hand sidebar. There are also pills underneath the search bar that allow you to search for all fields with that specific format. Examples would be text, email, phone, address, select, etc. If you click on that pill, only that type of field will show on the left-hand sidebar.


Get started by duplicating a template from the Marketplace or start from scratch by hitting the + icon in your purple left-hand Navigation Bar.

Sharing and Embedding Templates

The Share icon in the top right corner allows you to share the link directly with customers or utilize the embed link to add this directly to your website.

Every user in the organization will have their user id in the link when they copy/paste. This will make it easy to correlate new customers to their creators.

Dictionary Fields

Under has created dozens of fields for you to use out of the box.

Standard examples would be: First Name, Last Name, Legal Name, DBA, Tax ID, Routing, and Account Number.

More unique examples would be: Industry dropdown with all MCC codes, AutoComplete Address fields for Business and Legal, and an Additional Owner field that is used for Multiple Signers

This section can be expanded or contracted using the carrot icon on the right-hand side.

Custom Fields

This section is below the Under Dictionary Fields. These are fields you will create and store for use on future templates

This feature is currently in beta and will be rolling out soon.

This section can be expanded or contracted using the carrot icon on the right-hand side.

Adding Fields

  • You can click and drag fields onto the form
  • Add a new section by dragging field in-between other sections
  • Add a row by dragging field onto an existing section
  • Add a column by placing the field next to an existing field within a row
Fields that are present on the form will have a green cap. Fields that are not present on the form will have a gray cap.

Left-hand Sidebar for individual fields and sections

The left-hand sidebar for each individual field and section has tremendous capability, please study carefully

Field Type

In Purple at top right corner


  • Category
    • This correlates the section within the customer record
  • Labels
    • This is what the end user will see when being prompted to provide a value
  • Placeholder
    • This is the text seen in the box before the user clicks into the field
  • Description
    • This show up beneath the box in light gray text. This is similar to an info or help bar
  • Default Value
    • This is available for most field types if you woud like to provide a value for this field
  • Required/Hidden
  • Formatting
    • Numbers will allow Minimum and Maximum 
    • Numbers will allow for quantifying the number by choosing Currency or Percentage
    • Text fields will allow for masks like SSN, EIN, Routing Number, Zip Code, or a Custom Mask

Conditional Logic by Field

  • Left = the field to base the conditional logic off of.
  • The Left Field will always need to come before the field inheriting the logic
  • Operator = logical options to test values true or false nature
  • Right = value from the left field chosen above
  • Action = Show or Hide
    • The bottom 3 rows will be locked until you choose the (first) left value
An Example of Conditional Logic by Field would be showing/hiding the credit card processing fields based on whether or not the end-user is currently processing credit cards.

Conditional Logic for Supporting Documents

After dragging a supporting document field type into the supporting document you can establish conditional logic for that supporting document.

Conditional Logic by Section

If you click on a section you can add conditional logic to show/hide the full section based on values from previous questions

An Example of Conditional Logic by Section would be showing or hiding the Additional Owner section based off the previous question asking if the business has any additional owners with 25% or more ownership.

+ Create

Clicking the + Create in the top right allows you to create new fields from scratch


The Elements Section on the left-hand sidebar include Header & Paragraph fields. These fields normally go at the top of sections. You will have the option to edit the size and style of the text in these elements.

Field Types

When creating new fields to add to your Form, there are 17 unique field types.

Standard Fields

  1. Text
    • This field allows a user an end user to enter any text
    • Letters, numbers, and special characters are allowed
    • Maximum characters = ?
    • Examples would be First Name, Address Line 2, or Return Policy
  2. Textarea
    • This field allows a user to enter a longer text string
    • Letters, numbers, and special characters are allowed
    • Maximum characters = ?
    • An example would be a description of the product or service being sold
  3. Email
  4. Website
    • This field allows an end user to enter a website address
    • Website format is required here
    • Examples and acceptable values would be or
  5. Number
    • This field allows and end user to enter a number field
    • Only numbers (0-9) are allowed in this field
    • An example would be asking how many locations the merchant owns
  6. Phone
    • This field allows an end user to enter a phone number
    • Under provides the country code through a dropdown box
    • The formatting is dictated by the country code chosen
    • An example of the United States phone format would be +1 (800) 123-4567
  7. Date
    • This field allows a user to enter a date from a picklist style menu
    • The user cannot enter a date manually while using this specific type of field
    • Date formatting = DD/MM/YYYY
    • You can format dates to include future dates 
    • By default future dates are not allowed

Unique Fields

  1. Address
    • The Address Field utilizes the Google Maps API to Auto Populate the user's address. Google returns Address Line 1, City, State, and Zip Code. So you will need to create these additional fields below Address Line 1 to inherit the City, State, and Zip Code values.
When you drag out the Address component you will need to create additional fields for City, State and Zip Code. You can then connect the City, State, Zip to the newly created fields. Screenshot below
  • City would be a text field
  • State would be a Select field
    • Use the `Bulk Import` option to bring in States so you don’t have to manually create these
  • Zip Code would be a text field if you would like to use the Zip Code Mask
    • You have the option to use a mask for this field which would be Zip Code or Zip Code + 4 digits
    • You can use a Number Field for the Zip code but you will not be able to utilize the Zip Code Mask
  • Address line 2 is would be a text field and this is optional

  1. Select
    • The select field acts like a dropdown and only allows the user to choose one option
    • Example would be a True or False
    • You can turn on the ability to show a search bar. This allows a user to search for their option instead of scrolling through the complete list.
    • You have the `Bulk Import` option for this field
      • Options include: Months, States, Company Structure, MCC Codes, and NAICS Codes
  1. Radio
    • The radio field groups options together and only allows the user to choose one option
    • Example would be a True or False
    • You can choose to show this as a circle or a block
    • You can choose 1, 2, or 3 columns
    • You have the `Bulk Import` option for this field
      • Options include: Months, States, Company Structure, MCC Codes, and NAICS Codes
  2. Checkboxes
    • The checkboxes field acts like a MultiSelct and allows the user to choose multiple options
    • Example would be `Which State/s do you operate out of?`
    • You can choose to show this as a circle or a block
    • You can choose 1, 2, or 3 columns
    • You have the `Bulk Import` option for this field
      • Options Include: Months, States, Company Structure, MCC Codes, and NAICS Codes
  3. Switch
    • Switch acts like a True/False field without needing to add two options
    • You can choose a default value for this field
  4. Repeater and Additional Signers
    • These two fields allow for you to repeat sections of questions without being visible to the end user unless there is a need
    • Examples would be for multiple owners or multiple locations
    • You can use these fields to create a section of questions like legal name, address, ownership percentage, etc. 
    • The additional sections will only appear if the end user signals there are more owners or more locations. They will stay hidden otherwise
    • You have the ability to choose a maximum number of additional sections
    • You choose the question to prompt the user to continue adding sections or stop at the bottom of the card
    • Additional Signers is the same as the Repeater Field but it is built to send signatures based on the email field
  5. Slider
    • This field allows a user to enter a number field by using a sliding tool as opposed to entering a value
    • There are Minimum and Maximum values defaulted to 0 and 100 respectively
  6. Adds to Total
    • This field allows a user to aggregate multiple fields to add up to a certain value
    • Example would be `What percentage of your transactions are B2B or B2C?` or `What percentage of your transactions are in person, online, or over the phone?`
    • The default Sum is 100
    • You can edit the desired sum
  7. Merge
    • This field allows for values to pre-populate future fields
    • Example would be `Is your billing address the same as your shipping address?` or `Is your deposit account the same as your withdrawal account?`
    • You will manually choose the value from Field A to be correlated to Field B using a dropdown menu on the left-hand sidebar
Example of the Merge field merging Business Address field values to Legal Address field values

Supporting Documents

There is a specific section at the bottom of the form built to store the supporting documents. Similar to fields there will be Settings, Conditional Logic, and Required options

You will click and drag the supporting document component from the left-hand sidebar into the supporting document section

Bulk Import for Supporting Documents

The Bulk Import option for Supporting Documents at the bottom right of the Supporting Document section

Form Integrations

Google Maps API

You can click and drag the Google Maps icon the top left corner of the form by the wand icon to gain access to a user's location while filling out the application

Twilio Multi-Factor Authentication

  • Twilio is on by default on the first card
  • This allows you to verify the user with their mobile phone number
  • Currently Under only accepts US-based mobile phone numbers
    • No Voice Over Internet Protocol numbers
    • No landlines

Plaid Bank Verification

You can click and drag the Plaid icon onto the form wherever you would like the Plaid integration on the Form

You will need to connect the Routing and Account Number returned by Plaid to the correct Routing and Account Number fields on the form
Utilizing Conditional Logic by Section, you can hide the Bank Information card based on Conditional Logic from the Plaid connection

Undo/Redo & Bell Icons

This Undo/Redo allows you to Undo or Redo a previous action

The Bell Icon shows you errors, warnings, and activity on the Form. If you see red notifications, you will want to fix these before saving

Field Search Bar

The search bar allows you to search for specific fields on the left-hand sidebar. There are also pills underneath the search bar that allow you to search for all fields with that specific format. Examples would be text, email, phone, address, select, etc. If you click on that pill, only that type of field will show on the left-hand sidebar.


Mapping, Combining, Editing, and Maintaining mapped PDFs

Creating and Editing PDFs within a Template

Upload PDF

If there is no PDF connected to the Template you will be prompted to upload a new PDF or to select and existing mapped PDF

  • File size limit is 10 megabytes (MB)

Visual Editing

  • You can duplicate, remove, reorder, or rotate pages within the visual editor using the icons on the right-hand side
  • To reorder the pages just click and drag the page to your desired location
  • The fillable fields will be highlighted blue on this page

*If you need to compress, unlock, or prepare a PDF before uploading to Under, here is a link to

Swap PDF

Hit the Swap PDF Icon in the top left corner

Hit Continue

Review your swapped PDF and hit Swap

Left-hand sidebar in the PDF Mapper

You can view by the section on the form or you can view all fields by clicking on the layers icon

Fields that are already mapped to the PDF will have a green cap at the end of the field

+ Create

Text Field

  • This field allows a user an end user to enter any text
  • Letters, numbers, and special characters are allowed
  • Example would be First Name, Address Line 2, or Return Policy

Dropdown Field

  • This field allows a user to choose from a list of choices

Checkbox Field

  • This is a True or False field

Signature, Initials, and Dat Signed Fields

  • By default this is correlated to the Primary Signer
  • If you have used the Additional Owner field from the Under Dictionary or the Additional Signer field on the Form you will have the option to correlate the signature field to other signers
  • You can also mark this as an Agent Signature field
  • Initials work the same as the Signature Field
  • Date Signed will be automatically populated after the correlated user signs the application

Clicking into an individual field on the PDF

  • Left-hand sidebar
    • Form field dropdown
      • This allows you to search through all fields on the form and connect it to the PDF
    • Default value
      • This allows you to enter a default value
    • Read Only
      • This removes the ability for the end-user to edit this field while still being visible
    • Appearance
      • You can edit the text color and size
      • You can edit where the text sits in the box
      • You can wrap the text
    • 3 Ellipses at the bottom
      • You can add a field to the form if you created it from the PDF fields

On the left-hand sidebar

  • Fields mapped on the PDF will have a green cap at the end of the field
  • Fields not mapped on the PDF will have a gray cap at the end of the field
  • Fields that have been mapped onto the PDF = > 2 times will also include a number

On the PDF

  • Fields will be purple if they have been mapped
  • Fields will be red if they have not been mapped
  • If you hover of the field it will show the field label

You can view by section or by all fields by clicking the layers icon beneath the + Create button

No items found.
No items found.
No items found.