KYB Tools

Business and Tax Identification Match

Required Data

  • Business Name
    • The legal name of the Business you are verifying. This should be the name the Business has registered with the U.S. IRS or the Secretary of State in their state of incorporation.
  • Business Addresses
    • A list including the physical addresses of a business. For larger companies, this commonly includes the address of their headquarters (HQ) location.
  • Taxpayer Identification Number
    • A unique 9-digit number that is used by the IRS to identify a business entity
Optional Data
  • Peoples
    • A list of people associated with the business
  • Business Structure
    • If you want to check against a Sole Proprietorship or LLC
  • Website Address

Business Names

  • Collection of all developed business names linked to a business with a matching of the submitted name

Business Name and Tax Identification (TIN) Match

  • Verifies that the submitted Business name and Tax Identification Number (TIN) combination match.

Legal Name

An entity's legal name is meant to uniquely identify the business in a given state. Each state may have requirements around valid entity names (e.g., requires the use of alphabetical characters) or the use of suffixes (e.g., LLC, Inc.). Most states do not allow an entity to register with a name already in use, and some states require an entity name to reflect the operations of the business.

While states guard against duplicative names, each state acts independently when forming entities. Therefore, many business entities have the same name as a separate business in another state. In this case, it is critical to understand the domestic and foreign jurisdictions of each state, and how and when each filing was made.

Doing Business As (DBAs)

A company is said to be "doing business as" a name when the business operates under a name different than its legal, registered name. These names are also referred to as "assumed", "fictitious", or "trade" names.

State and local governments usually require companies to register these alternate names through a DBA filing, allowing the company to legally operate under a separate trade name.

Business Name Responses

  • Success: Verified
    • Match identified to the submitted Business Name
  • Warning: Similar Match
    • Similar match identified to the submitted Business Name
  • Failure: Unverified 
    • Unable to identify a match to the submitted Business Name
  • Failure: Alternate Name
    • We believe the submitted TIN is associated with “name”

Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)

All valid business entities will have an EIN issued by the IRS. The Federal government requires a legal entity to have an EIN to pay employees and to file business tax returns. To be considered a Partnership, LLC, Corporation, S Corporation, Non-profit, etc., a business must obtain an EIN when incorporating. EINs do not expire. Once an EIN has been issued to an entity, it will not be reissued. Each EIN is unique to a business and persists over time.

List of TIN Types

  • Social Security Number (SSN)
  • Employer Identification Number (EIN)
  • Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)
  • Taxpayer Identification Number for Pending U.S. Adoptions (ATIN)
  • Preparer Taxpayer Identification Number (PTIN)


  • Sole Proprietorship
  • Partnership
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Corporation
  • Non-profit

Verifying EINs against submitted people for SoleProp & Small LLC

Based on IRS documents, some small businesses like single-member LLCs have EINs that match against an officer's name instead of the registered business name. Middesk has an optional feature to verify if the submitted EIN matches the person's name in the case that it failed to match with the business name. Contact your account manager or if you would like to opt-in, and see our reference for additional information.

TIN Verification Responses

  • Success: Found
    • The IRS has a record of the submitted TIN and Business Name combination
  • Failure: Mismatch
    • We believe the submitted TIN is associated with a different Business Name
  • Failure: Not Found
    • The IRS does not have a record for the submitted TIN and Business Name combination
  • Failure: Duplicate
    • TIN/name failure - Duplicate request
  • Failure: Unavailable
    • TIN/name failure - IRS is unavailable
  • Failure: Not Issued
    • TIN has not been issued by the IRS. There is often a delay after formation for the IRS database to process TINs for new businesses.

Detailed Address Analysis

Required Data

  • Business Name
    • The legal name of the Business you are verifying. This should be the name the Business has registered with the U.S. IRS or the Secretary of State in their state of incorporation.
  • Business Addresses
    • A list including the physical addresses of a business. For larger companies, this commonly includes the address of their headquarters (HQ) location.
  • Taxpayer Identification Number
    • A unique 9-digit number that is used by the IRS to identify a business entity
Optional Data
  • Peoples
    • A list of people associated with the business
  • Business Structure
    • If you want to check against a Sole Proprietorship or LLC
  • Website Address

Office Address

  • Attempts to match the submitted office address
Property Type
  • Identifies the type of address provided (office, residential, etc…)
Address Deliverability
  • Determines whether or not the address provided can receive mail from USPS

Office Address Responses

  • Success: Verified
    • Match identified to the submitted Office Address
  • Warning: Approximate Match
    • Identified an address within 0.2 miles of the submitted Office Address
  • Failure: Unverified
    • Unable to identify a match to the submitted Office Address
  • Success: Commercial
    • Submitted Office Address is a Commercial property
  • Warning: Residential
    • Submitted Office Address is a Residential property
  • Success: Deliverable
    • The USPS is able to deliver mail to the submitted Office Address
  • Success: Undeliverable
    • The USPS is unable to deliver mail to the submitted Office Address

Secretary of State Retrieval

Required Data

  • Business Name
    • The legal name of the Business you are verifying. This should be the name the Business has registered with the U.S. IRS or the Secretary of State in their state of incorporation.
  • Business Addresses
    • A list including the physical addresses of a business. For larger companies, this commonly includes the address of their headquarters (HQ) location.
  • Taxpayer Identification Number
    • A unique 9-digit number that is used by the IRS to identify a business entity
Optional Data
  • Peoples
    • A list of people associated with the business
  • Business Structure
    • If you want to check against a Sole Proprietorship or LLC
  • Website Address

SOS Exists

  • Checks if secretary of state filings exist

SOS Match

  • Checks if the business is registered in the state of the submitted address

Secretary of State Filing Responses

  • Success: Active
    • X of Y filings found are Active
  • Warning: Partially Unknown
    • X of Y filings have no status provided
  • Warning: Partially Inactive
    • X of Y filings found are inactive
  • Failure: Inactives
    • The business has no Active Secretary of State filings
  • Failure: Not Registered
    • The business has no Secretary of State filings
  • Success: Submitted Active
    • The business is Active in the state of the submitted Office Address
  • Warning: Submitted Unknown
    • The submitted state does not make filing status available
  • Failure: Submitted Inactive
    • The business is Inactive in the state of the submitted Office Address
  • Failure: Submitted Not Registered
    • The business is not registered in the state of the submitted Office Address

Secretary of State Articles of Incorporation

  • If the Articles of Incorporation are available for the business entity being checked, these documents will be in the Customer Record under the Docs tab

Website Verification

Required Data

  • Business Name
    • The legal name of the Business you are verifying. This should be the name the Business has registered with the U.S. IRS or the Secretary of State in their state of incorporation.
  • Business Addresses
    • A list including the physical addresses of a business. For larger companies, this commonly includes the address of their headquarters (HQ) location.
  • Taxpayer Identification Number
    • A unique 9-digit number that is used by the IRS to identify a business entity
Optional Data
  • Peoples
    • A list of people associated with the business
  • Business Structure
    • If you want to check against a Sole Proprietorship or LLC
  • Website Address

Website Verification

  • Checks to see if entity details exist on the submitted website

Website Status

  • Checks if the provided website is still active

Website Page Index

Websites are rich sources of information about corporate entities and help verify the legitimacy of a business. Thanks to common web design practices, there are very frequently a minimum set of pages on a company's corporate website, each of which may contain a wealth of data:

  • Home: Provides information like business overview, services provided, product features, nature of business, and client lists.
  • Contact: Provide information like phone numbers, addresses, office locations, and hours of operation.
  • Products or Services: Provide specifics on goods or services offered.
  • Privacy Policy: Provide data such as addresses, entity names, and critical legal considerations. These are critical to assess when a business is collecting sensitive user data.
  • Terms of Service: Provide details such as entity names, addresses, and critical legal considerations. These are critical to consider when a business is entering into agreements with its customers and partners at scale.

In sum, reviewing this minimum set of pages can help build a deeper picture of the business entity and help establish the credibility of associated businesses.

Website Responses

  • Success: Online
    • Website was Online when the business record was ordered
  • Failure: Offline
    • Website was Offline when the business record was ordered
  • Success: Verified
    • Successfully found entity details on the submitted Website
  • Warning: Unverified
    • Unable to find entity details on the submitted Website
  • Failure: Parking page
    • The website has been purchased but has no content

Returned Data

  • Domain
  • Creation date
  • Expiration date
  • Registration host
  • If business name is present and matches
  • Contact phone numbers found (if any)
  • Contact addresses found (if any)
  • if the website is being parked or not

Industry Verification NAICS

Industry Verification

Required Data

  • Business Name
    • The legal name of the Business you are verifying. This should be the name the Business has registered with the U.S. IRS or the Secretary of State in their state of incorporation.
  • Business Addresses
    • A list including the physical addresses of a business. For larger companies, this commonly includes the address of their headquarters (HQ) location.
  • Taxpayer Identification Number
    • A unique 9-digit number that is used by the IRS to identify a business entity
Optional Data
  • Peoples
    • A list of people associated with the business
  • Business Structure
    • If you want to check against a Sole Proprietorship or LLC
  • Website Address

True Industry

  • Determines the risk level for the provided industry

Industry classification

  • Lists all categories relevant to the business and for each category displays the following data if possible
    • name of the category
    • score for the category
    • high risk
    • NAICS codes
    • SIC codes

Link to a list of NAICS Codes

Link to a list of SIC Codes


Required Data

  • Business Name
    • The legal name of the Business you are verifying. This should be the name the Business has registered with the U.S. IRS or the Secretary of State in their state of incorporation.
  • Business Addresses
    • A list including the physical addresses of a business. For larger companies, this commonly includes the address of their headquarters (HQ) location.
  • Taxpayer Identification Number
    • A unique 9-digit number that is used by the IRS to identify a business entity
Optional Data
  • Peoples
    • A list of people associated with the business
  • Business Structure
    • If you want to check against a Sole Proprietorship or LLC
  • Website Address


  • Checks if the business appears on any watchlists

Watchlist Configuration Options

There are several configuration options to reduce false positives, including:

  • Date of Birth Filter for Submitted People
  • Entity and Individual Name Fuzzy Match Tolerance
  • Selecting specific federal agencies and watchlist lists to run business names and individuals against each business

Watchlist Parameter Tolerance

The parameters of the Watchlist tolerance or matching threshold can be adjusted to either Low, Medium, or High for entity and individual names in the dashboard settings:

  • Low: This parameter allows for an edit distance of zero, which will be a strict match to the exact name of a given entity/individual in the watchlist to produce a hit.  An exact match is defined as when any of those business and/or people names (or an alias of each name) contain words that are present in any of the names of an entity found in any of the watchlists.
  • Medium: This parameter allows for an edit distance of one, which means a watchlist hit will be surfaced if the search term differs from a name of a given entity in the watchlist by one character/letter.
  • High: This parameter will be the most risk-averse option, however, this setting will likely result in more false positives by relaxing the fuzzy matching parameters.

Watchlist Responses

  • Success: No Hitssome text
    • No Watchlist hits were identified
  • Failure: Hitssome text
    • X Watchlists hit(s) have been identified

List of Watchlists

Entity List (EL)

Bureau of Industry and Security

Denied Persons List (DPL)

Bureau of Industry and Security

Military End User (MEU)

Bureau of Industry and Security

Unverified List (UVL)

Bureau of Industry and Security

ITAR Debarred (DTC)

State Department

Nonproliferation Sanctions (ISN)

State Department

Capta List (CAP)

Department of the Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)

Foreign Sanctions Evaders (FSE)

Department of the Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)

Non-SDN Menu-Based Sanctions (NS-MBS)

Department of the Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)

Non-SDN Iranian Sanctions (NS-ISA)

Department of the Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)

Non-SDN Chinese Military-Industrial Complex Companies List (NS-CMIC)

Department of the Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)

Non-SDN Palestinian Legislative Council List (PLC)

Department of the Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)

Specially Designated Nationals (SDN)

Department of the Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)

Sectoral Sanctions Identifications List (SSI)

Department of the Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)


Required Data

  • Business Name
    • The legal name of the Business you are verifying. This should be the name the Business has registered with the U.S. IRS or the Secretary of State in their state of incorporation.
  • Business Addresses
    • A list including the physical addresses of a business. For larger companies, this commonly includes the address of their headquarters (HQ) location.
  • Taxpayer Identification Number
    • A unique 9-digit number that is used by the IRS to identify a business entity
Optional Data
  • Peoples
    • A list of people associated with the business
  • Business Structure
    • If you want to check against a Sole Proprietorship or LLC
  • Website Address


  • Checks for any active litigation against the provided business info


In the public court of law, bankruptcy filings are important references when taking on balance sheet risk. Each bankruptcy provides details about all aspects of the case proceedings; these details include:

  • Debtor: the individual or entity that owes money to another party.
  • Trustee: the individual responsible for the bankruptcy and all case proceedings
  • Court: the court in which the hearing takes place, including the office number, district, and case number.
  • Chapter: the chapter in the collection of types of court cases that Bankruptcy falls into
  • Updates: a sequence of events for the case; it includes a description of the update, a reference to the update, and the event date.


Customers in the lending and financing spaces may perform due diligence on entities as part of their underwriting process. The Liens Search product covers UCC liens along with Federal and State Tax liens.

  • Debtor: the individual or entity that owes money to another party.
  • Secured Party: the entity to whom money is owed.
  • Filing Date: the date when the UCC1 was filed.
  • Lapse Date: the date when the UCC1 will lapse.
  • File Number: the file number of the UCC1 from which the data is sourced.
  • Status: whether or not the lien is active.