This field allows an end user to enter a website address
Website format is required here
Examples and acceptable values would be or
This field allows and end user to enter a number field
Only numbers (0-9) are allowed in this field
An example would be asking how many locations the merchant owns
This field allows an end user to enter a phone number
Under provides the country code through a dropdown box
The formatting is dictated by the country code chosen
An example of the United States phone format would be +1 (800) 123-4567
This field allows a user to enter a date from a picklist style menu
The user cannot enter a date manually while using this specific type of field
Date formatting = DD/MM/YYYY
You can format dates to include future dates
By default future dates are not allowed
Unique Fields
The Address Field utilizes the Google Maps API to Auto Populate the user's address. Google returns Address Line 1, City, State, and Zip Code. So you will need to create these additional fields below Address Line 1 to inherit the City, State, and Zip Code values.
When you drag out the Address component you will need to create additional fields for City, State and Zip Code. You can then connect the City, State, Zip to the newly created fields. Screenshot below
City would be a text field
State would be a Select field
Use the `Bulk Import` option to bring in States so you don’t have to manually create these
Zip Code would be a text field if you would like to use the Zip Code Mask
You have the option to use a mask for this field which would be Zip Code or Zip Code + 4 digits
You can use a Number Field for the Zip code but you will not be able to utilize the Zip Code Mask
Address line 2 is would be a text field and this is optional
The select field acts like a dropdown and only allows the user to choose one option
Example would be a True or False
You can turn on the ability to show a search bar. This allows a user to search for their option instead of scrolling through the complete list.
You have the `Bulk Import` option for this field
Options include: Months, States, Company Structure, MCC Codes, and NAICS Codes
The radio field groups options together and only allows the user to choose one option
Example would be a True or False
You can choose to show this as a circle or a block
You can choose 1, 2, or 3 columns
You have the `Bulk Import` option for this field
Options include: Months, States, Company Structure, MCC Codes, and NAICS Codes
The checkboxes field acts like a MultiSelct and allows the user to choose multiple options
Example would be `Which State/s do you operate out of?`
You can choose to show this as a circle or a block
You can choose 1, 2, or 3 columns
You have the `Bulk Import` option for this field
Options Include: Months, States, Company Structure, MCC Codes, and NAICS Codes
Switch acts like a True/False field without needing to add two options
You can choose a default value for this field
Repeater and Additional Signers
These two fields allow for you to repeat sections of questions without being visible to the end user unless there is a need
Examples would be for multiple owners or multiple locations
You can use these fields to create a section of questions like legal name, address, ownership percentage, etc.
The additional sections will only appear if the end user signals there are more owners or more locations. They will stay hidden otherwise
You have the ability to choose a maximum number of additional sections
You choose the question to prompt the user to continue adding sections or stop at the bottom of the card
Additional Signers is the same as the Repeater Field but it is built to send signatures based on the email field
This field allows a user to enter a number field by using a sliding tool as opposed to entering a value
There are Minimum and Maximum values defaulted to 0 and 100 respectively
Adds to Total
This field allows a user to aggregate multiple fields to add up to a certain value
Example would be `What percentage of your transactions are B2B or B2C?` or `What percentage of your transactions are in person, online, or over the phone?`
The default Sum is 100
You can edit the desired sum
This field allows for values to pre-populate future fields
Example would be `Is your billing address the same as your shipping address?` or `Is your deposit account the same as your withdrawal account?`
You will manually choose the value from Field A to be correlated to Field B using a dropdown menu on the left-hand sidebar
Example of the Merge field merging Business Address field values to Legal Address field values