Get started with
Core Products within Under:
Templates combine digital applications, PDF mapping, and underwriting integrations. Templates also allow you to gather electronic signatures and supporting documents while white-labeling the merchant experience.

The Customer Record makes it easy to create customers online while verifying personal, business, banking, and credit info.
Templates Marketplace
We have created a marketplace of popular templates. These include lead gen forms and payment processing MPAs and are designed for you to be able to quickly use.
Create Your Own Template
To get started with applications, you can either create your own templates from scratch or grab a popular template from our marketplace.  
Sharing Templates and Creating Customers
Once your templates are ready, it's time to start creating customers.
Customer Record
Creating Customers
You can have customers fill out forms online, send them a blank application, or send them a pre-filled application.
Share and/or complete Records
Pre-fill customer details and send for signature. Create customers directly from your Templates.
Signatures & Documents
Under will help you get full application packages- data & signature(s) & documents
Verification & Underwriting
We help you quickly verify your customer data to make better decisions and focus on the right customers.
Branding your Accounts
We give you the ability to completely white label your account. Your forms will be designed to your organization.
Adding Users
Adding your ISOs, Agents, ISVs, and Referral Partners to your Under account will empower them to sell more by removing manual processes- and focusing on selling.
Teams & Permissions
Customize what each user can and can't do in Under. Additionally, create Teams so that your channels can collaborate within Under.